
Shag room: limit to hospitality reached

Bed and breakfast en privacy

A bed & breakfast is no anonymous hotel.

What concerns do B&B owners have and what problems do they face? The team of regularly reads messages in online discussion groups to gain insight in these matters. Our eye came across a message with the intriguing title ‘Shag room’. In this article a B&B owner asks interesting questions about the limits to hospitality.

What happened?
The writer complains about a female guest who booked one night for one person. But during the day this woman received an unannounced male visitor in the bed & breakfast. And he obviously was not there for a courtesy visit, just to put it in a polite way.

The B&B owner thinks that the woman and man actually just used her B&B as a ‘shag room’. Furthermore, they behaved respectless towards her and the neighbourhood. “You do not do this kind of things in a B&B. Go to an anonymous hotel for that.”

She wonders how other B&B owners handle a situation like this. Will you just wait and see or take action immediately? Do you charge the guest the full price for two? In other words: where are the limits of hospitality?

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About the author

Janneke Scheepers

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